Bulldog Common Health Problems and Costs

Bulldog Common Health Problems and Costs

Bulldogs are one of the most loved dog breeds in the world. Besides being cute, energetic, and playful, bulldogs are sweet, gentle intelligent, predictable, dependable, and incredibly loyal to their family. They get along with children, the elderly, and other family pets, thus making great family dogs, especially if socialized at an early age. However, due to their physique, bulldogs are extremely susceptible to a plethora of health problems. In this article, we will discuss bulldog’s common health problems and the costs of treating them.

Why do bulldogs have many health issues?

All dog breeds have their own fair share of health issues. However, bulldogs seem to be the dog breed with the most health issues. In fact, one of the reasons why many people tend to avoid this dog breed is because they are vulnerable to a wide range of health issues. These health problems usually emerge as early as when the pooch is 2 years and can affect his quality of life as well as subject him to huge veterinary expenses.

But why are bulldogs susceptible to many health problems? According to experts, one of the top reasons why bulldogs have many health problems is because of their physical conformation. Unlike other dog breeds, bulldogs have low-slung bodies, narrow hips, and broad shoulders that make it difficult for them to move around with ease. Additionally, their short snout and compressed skulls make them have serious breathing problems, thus contributing to respiratory problems.

Bulldogs have large heads which makes it difficult for them to de delivered normally. In fact, about 80% of bulldogs are delivered via the caesarian section. However, it is important to note that this is not what nature intended. The reason bulldogs are vulnerable to many health problems is because of the selective breeding-a process where breeders choose which dogs to reproduce based on certain traits.

5 common bulldog health problems and costs:

Brachycephalic Airway syndrome Shorten facial features that make them have a pushed-in nose $100- $300
Breathing difficulties Facial and nasal structure which obstructs proper passage of air $100- $1000
Regulation of temperature short sized noise and high temperature $300- $1000
Skin problems Allergies and infections $50- $300
Joint and bone disease chondrodysplasia, an abnormal growth in cartilage $100-$300

1. Brachycephalic Airway syndrome- cost (between $100- $300)

Brachycephalic Airway syndrome is a Latin word that means smooshed face. All bulldogs have Brachycephalic Airway syndrome due to shortening facial features that make them have a pushed-in nose. Bulldogs have been bred to have short noses and muzzles and as a result, their throat and breathing passes are flattened and undersized. Also, the bone on their face is usually shorter thus causing a wide array of health risks, including heavy panting, breathing problems, difficulties in eating, and chronic discomfort.

The symptoms of this condition usually worsen as the dog gets older. More so, bulldogs that are overweight and obese are affected more by this condition. So, if you own a bulldog, it is recommended that you feed him a healthy diet. Also not overfeed him to keep his weight in check. Managing this condition will cost between $100 and $300.

2. Breathing difficulties- cost (between $100- $1000)

Another common health problem that affects bulldogs is breathing difficulties. This is mainly attributed to their facial and nasal structure which obstructs the proper passage of air. Common breathing problems that bulldogs are likely to suffer from include pneumonia, stenotic nares, and elongated soft plate. Treating breathing problems costs between $100 and $1000 depending on the severity of the condition.

3. Regulation of temperature- cost (between $300- $1000)

If you are keen that you must have realized that bulldogs pant a lot compared to other dog breeds. The reason why they pant a lot is that they are trying to regulate their body temperature. If you own a bulldog, then you must keep his temperatures at optimum level by ensuring that your home is air-conditioned. Also, avoid taking your pooch out in hot weather.

The reason why bulldogs overheat is because of their short-sized noise which makes it difficult for them to cool down. The extra work required to move air usually makes their airways swollen, a factor that makes them overheat easily.

Excessive temperature can lead to heat exhortations, heatstroke, or even death from cardiac arrhythmias. Signs that indicate your bulldog has overheated include noisy breathing, heavy panting, convulsing, vomiting, diarrhea, and collapsing. Treating complications caused by heat exhaustion costs between $300 and $1000 depending on the severity of the condition.

4. Skin problems- cost ($50- $300)

Most people love bulldog because of their short coat that is easy to maintain. Unfortunately, their short coat makes them vulnerable to skin issues such as eczema, bacterial infection, acute moist dermatitis, interdigital cysts, and more. If you own a bulldog, you need to take good care of his skill health to prevent skin problems. This includes washing your bulldog regularly with medicated shampoos and lotions formulated for bulldogs. You also need to enrich the dog’s diet with immunity-boosting supplements and take him for checkups regularly. Treating skin problems in bulldog cost between $50 and $300 depending on the severity of the condition.

5. Joint and bone disease- cost ($100-$300)

The reason why bulldogs have a unique body shape is that they suffer from a condition known as chondrodysplasia, an abnormal growth in cartilage that increases their chances of suffering from joint and bone problems. Common joint and bones problems that bulldogs suffer from include joint and ligament injuries, arthritis, and canine hip dysplasia. However, most bone and joint problems in bulldogs can be prevented by ensuring your dog has a healthy weight. Treating this condition could cost you between $100 and $300 depending on the severity of the condition.