French Bulldog Common Health Problems and Costs


French Bulldog Common Health Problems and Costs

Just like human beings, animals too suffer from chronic diseases. Unfortunately, French bulldogs are more susceptible to these chronic diseases and require urgent medical attention. These dogs are used as pets and offer security alerts to their owners. As some people refer to them, Frenchies are one of the most special breeds globally.

These French bulldogs possess some characteristics that endear them to many, especially in Australia. Their quirky antics and affectionate and playful nature have led them to be Australia’s third most famous breed. However, the unique features of this breed have made them fragile to genetic problems. They have a stocky appearance, flat faces, and small pointed ears.

Frenchie health problems usually start to show up at two to three years and persist throughout their lives, leading to veterinary expenses. Read on to learn about the most common French bulldog health problems and their costs.


All dog breeds are vulnerable to allergies, but unfortunately, French bulldogs are more prone to genetically chronic allergies, including environmental and food allergies. These chronic allergies symptoms include:

· Watery eyes, sneezing, or ear infections

· Too much licking or itching, particularly of the paws

· Abdominal pain, lethargy or loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, and bloody or smelly tools.

· Development of raw or red patches of paws or skin

If your French bulldog shows these allergy symptoms, you should seek veterinary advice to diagnose the allergen. But seeking veterinary medical attention will need you to dig deeper into your pockets.

Ø On average, skin test will cost $200

Ø Blood tests cost from $200 to $300

Ø Diet elimination goes from $15 to $55 for canned food and $30 to $130 for dry food.

Ø Sedation fee is $45 to $100

Ø Exam fees $50 to $200

Ø Treatment package range from $600 to %1100


Discover and avoid allergic foods or environments.

Skinfold dermatitis

This kind of health complication is mainly caused by the wrinkles or skin folds in the face, neck, armpits, and vulva. There are two symptoms of this problem.

· Excessive biting, scratching and itching around the folded areas

· Growth of sores and redness around the affected skin area

The cost of treating this kind of health complications is estimated to be:

Ø Veterinary price is in the range of $30 to $50 monthly

Ø The surgical treatment goes for $500 to $2500

Ø The total cost might add up to $550 to $2550


Clean the skin folds with pet permitted products.


Pyoderma is bacterial skin contamination that French bulldogs suffer from, and it arises from admirable skin folds. The symptoms are similar to those of dermatitis.

· Itching around the affected area

· Redness development, crusting, loss of hair, or pussy discharge from the affected area

Ø The treatment cost of this problem is in the region of $200 to $400


Wash the skin folds with pet ratified products regularly and carefully.

Conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers

Also referred to as pink eye, conjunctivitis mainly affects the Frenchie because of their flat face appearance. The problem can be caused by dry eye, allergies, or other irritants. Besides, the big prominent eyes of these French bulldogs make them more prone to ulcers and scratches.

Symptoms include:

· Pawing at the eyes, squinting or blinking

· Discharge from the eyes or swollen or red eyes

Ø This health problem approximately costs $200 to $2000 to be treated.


Keep their eyes clean and avoid irritants such as sand and dust from getting in the eyes.

Intervertebral disc disease {IVDD}

This problem is experienced when the discs between the vertebrae gradually or acutely bulge into the spinal cord space. The bulging causes pain, paralysis, and nerve harm. Genetically, the French bulldogs’ short, stocky legs predispose them to intervertebral disc disease.

· Visible signs of the IVDD include:

· Abrupt paralysis

· Knuckling or dragging of the paws, hesitancy to move

· Loss of bowel or bladder control

· Hunched or arched posture, crying when picked up or touched

Ø The estimated cost of treating the intervertebral disc disease lies between $3000 and $8000.


Prevent your Frenchie from jumping off and on the furniture and keep a healthy weight.

The list below shows the compilation of these diseases and the cost of treating them.

1. Allergies. Caused by either food or the environment. Prevented by identifying and avoiding the food or environment.            $600 to $1100

2. Skin fold dermatitis. It is caused by the skin fold in any part of the dog’s body and prevented by cleaning the folds with         $550 to $2550

with pet permitted products.

3. Pyoderma. It is caused by bacterial skin infection in the skin folds. Prevented by cleaning the skin folds with pet                      $200 to $400

permitted products.

4. Conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers. It is caused by dry eyes, allergies, and other irritants. Prevented by keeping the eyes             $200 to $2000

clean all throughout and avoiding irritants from getting into the eyes.

5. Intervertebral disc disease. Caused by breaking of the vertebrae discs. Prevented by avoiding your dog from                            $3000 to $8000

jumping on and off the furniture.


French bulldogs are suitable for company and as a pet. They are fascinating dogs to have around due to their quirky antics and passion. However, you must be ready to save a good amount of money since they are expensive to treat in case they suffer from any complications, precisely if it involves surgical intervention. Or you can buy an insurance cover for them.