Can Dogs Eat This – 7 Things Your Dog Should Not Have?

Keeping a dog as a pet is a charming thing. Sometimes you are tempted to give it the food you eat because you want it to taste the delicacy. But did you know that there is human food that is harmful to dogs? Well, if you didn’t know, we will give you seven human food that you should never share with your dog.

Some human foods are harmful to dogs because dogs have low metabolism rate than humans. This means that some food can take a long time to be digested and can cause harm to their body. Another issue is that they have insatiable appetites and are not always aware of when to stop eating. They will always want to eat what you are eating even after giving them food.

Diarrhea, vomiting, dilated pupils, restlessness, lack of appetite, disorientation, and staggering are the most common signs of food poisoning. If you fear your dog has eaten anything poisonous, you should never induce vomiting unless directed to do so by a poison control specialist. Certain toxins are better kept in the stomach since they can do more significant damage if they come out.

Can dogs eat chocolate?

No. Chocolate has two stimulants, caffeine and theobromine, which are exceptionally hard for dogs to digest. This is one of the most commonly known poisonous food in dogs. Heart attacks, internal bleeding, muscular spasms, seizures, and death are symptoms of chocolate poisoning. The side effects are determined by the amount of chocolate consumed and the size of the dog. The most harmful kinds are dark sugarless baker’s chocolate and cocoa powder. It might be tempting, but it would help if you did not give chocolate to your dog.

Can dogs eat sugary foods (xylitol)?

No. Sugary foods contain a chemical called xylitol. Xylitol is found in baked foods, chewing gums, cough drops, chewable vitamins, candy, and peanut butter. When a dog eats food with xylitol, it can have high blood sugar levels, a life-threatening condition in dogs. The side effects include seizure, vomiting, and imbalance, which can appear a few minutes after consumption. In advanced situations, xylitol causes insulin release, which can lead to liver failure. An increase in insulin causes hypoglycemia. Within a few days, elevated liver enzymes and liver failure might be noticed. In case your dog suffers xylitol poisoning, contact the vet with immediate effect. It’s also good to examine the ingredient list before giving them to your dog.

Can dogs eat garlic and onions?

No. All onions and garlic are poisonous to dogs. They include chemicals that can induce gastroenteritis, anemia, and severe red blood cell destruction. Garlic is even more toxic than onions. Fatigue, weakness, and orange- to dark red-tinged urine are all symptoms of onion or garlic poisoning, which can take several days to manifest. Ensure you don’t give your dog food that has onions or garlic. Due to the eating habit of the dogs, it is good to keep them out of their reach. If you suspect that your dog has onion or garlic poisoning, contact your vet immediately.

Can dogs eat Avocados?

No. Avocados contain a chemical called persin. It is found in the seeds, leaves, bark, and fruit of the avocado. Persin is not harmful to humans. In excessive concentrations, persin can be harmful to dogs. If a dog consumes them, fluid may build up in the lungs and chest. This can make breathing difficult for them, resulting in oxygen deprivation and possibly death. Fluid can also build up in the heart, pancreas, and abdomen, leading to additional life-threatening problems. Avocado pits can also be ingested accidentally, causing choking or an obstruction in the digestive system.

Can dogs eat Grapes and resins?

No. These two have been linked to kidney failure in dogs. Symptoms manifest within 12hours after consumption, which includes vomiting, fatigue, and diarrhea. Dehydration, reduced appetite, and increased urination followed by decreased urine might occur if the symptoms are not addressed. If your dog has eaten grapes or raisins and shows these symptoms, immediately take it to the doctor. Within three to four days, your dog might develop a long-term renal illness or perhaps die from kidney failure.

Can dogs eat uncooked meat, eggs, and fish?

Dogs can eat meat, egg, and fish, but only if they are well cooked. Many veterinarians report that converting to cooked beef meat diets has improved health, including better skin and coats, cleaner teeth, and simpler digestion. Cooking meat kills germs and parasites that can damage dogs. It’s not advisable to feed raw meat to dogs because they cause diseases like E. coli and salmonella. When a dog consumes uncooked eggs, it might have skin damage due to specific enzymes found in eggs. Raw fish is also unhealthy because they contain microorganisms that can cause severe infection. Before giving raw food to your dog, consider its safety and try to implement some measures like deep freezing.

Can dogs eat dairy products such as milk?

You may wonder how milk is toxic to dogs, yet each has taken milk in the infancy stage. Let me explain to you. After infancy, they exhaust the enzyme needed to break down milk sugar, and while some dogs can tolerate dairy better than others, most of them are lactose intolerant. Dairy products can induce vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal disorders. Your dog should not have access to milk. Dairy products like cheese contain complex groups of fatty acids that are difficult for dogs to digest. They can also make it gain more weight which can lead to other health complications.


In conclusion, it is prudent to check the ingredient list of your dog’s food before feeding it to your dog. Some foods can only be harmful if taken in excess; ensure you provide enough amount. Always check your veterinarian if you are unclear whether you can feed your dog a meal. If your dog has any food poisoning symptoms, take it to the nearest vet as soon as possible. To keep your dog safe, follow the diet that has been specifically prepared to satisfy your dog’s nutritional demand.