Beagle Common Health Problems and Costs

Beagle Common Health Problems and Costs

It’s all fun when your beagle is out playing and jumping around. However, the world often seems to stop spinning when your furry friend falls sick. Although that’s typical for any living being, you’d sure curse your day with your dog involuntarily whining in discomfort at home. Nonetheless, while your beagle may fall sick, that isn’t always usual as they’re well-known for their incredible immunity. And if they do fall sick, it should command your immediate intervention. But what are the beagle common health problems and costs that tag along with them?

  1. Glaucoma

Average cost of treatment: $2,500

You may have heard about this disease in humans, but dogs too fall victims. Beagles aren’t an exception either since they can also be affected. The condition is caused by swelling of the eye due to excessive aqueous fluid building up in the eye. That creates intraocular pressure, which causes swelling and pain. This eye condition is common among beagles and, in severe cases, could lead to blindness.

Early treatments can come in handy to prevent it from becoming more adverse. Ideal treatments for the condition include cyclocryotherapy, surgery, and medication, including administering ointments to reduce the IOP.

  1. Patellar luxation

The average cost of treatment: $2,000

This disease affects myriad animal species, and that includes dogs. Beagles aren’t exempted from this adversary as they’re equally susceptible. The health problem often seems to appear out of the blue and often won’t stick around for long. However, that doesn’t mean it completely disappears, as it usually tends to show up again unless the dog undergoes treatment.

When your dog’s affected, you’ll notice some change in how they walk or run. Usually, the dog would do that on threes or limp while skipping a step with the affected leg. Although most beagles can survive grade I and II luxating patella, severe ones, including grade III and IV, usually require treatment through surgery.

  1. Canine epilepsy

The average cost of treatment: $7,500

According to sources, epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects almost 0.75% of dogs. Although the rate appears negligible, beagles have a more significant chance of getting affected. That means their neurological function becomes impaired, showing up as recurrent seizures. It’s pretty straightforward to diagnose this condition since recurrent seizures are enough to shade the light.

Keep in mind that this condition varies according to the degree of severity that determines the urgency of treatment. Status Epilepsy can be fatal and often requires immediate treatment interventions. Conversely, cluster seizures can be less severe and less life-threatening.

  1. Diabetes

The average cost of treatment: $2500

Diabetes is also a common health problem among beagles and usually results from increased blood sugar. It happens when their bodies stop producing insulin or the amounts are too low to process blood sugar. That means their body cells would have a lesser ability to function correctly and starved of essential nutrients.

Typical symptoms include weight loss despite your beagle having an incredible appetite and increased urination and thirst. This health issue is treatable through regular insulin injections and other management measures such as proper dieting and exercise.

  1. Distichiasis

The average cost of treatment: $1,100

This condition is common in most dog breeds, beagles included. It causes excessive tearing and, sometimes, chronic and unbearable pain. It’s caused by a hair overgrowth in the eyelash area, inducing pain and discomfort. Technically, extra hair varying in the number of strands seems to cover the eyes and mainly grows out of the meibomian gland opening on the eyelid’s margin.

Since these hairs are more foreign than natural, it induces discomfort, and sometimes, the consequent irritation causes corneal ulcer development. Treating this condition involves using cryosurgery to freeze the lid margin along with the meibomian gland opening. Also, eradicating the hair through surgery or electrolysis can be an ideal treatment.

Chart listing showing the average cost of treatment and beagle health problem description

Health Problem                Average Cost of treatment i


Glaucoma                         $2,500   Swelling of the eye due to excessive aqueous fluid building up in the eye

Patella Luxation                $2,000  Shifting of the dog patella out of position from its usual position on the groove of the femur

Canine Epilepsy                $7,500   A neurological disorder characterized by seizures.

Diabetes                           $2,500   The increase amount of blood sugar in dogs due to inadequate insulin production

Distichiasis                        $1,100     Hair overgrowth in the eyelash area, causing irritation and corneal ulcers


Numerous dog diseases vary in severity, and while most are general to all dogs, some are breed-specific. However, most health problems affecting beagles are typical to all dog breeds but vary in severity. Regardless of how serious they may seem, they aren’t usually invincible and can get treatment by professional vets. Being quick in treatment can cure them or reduce their severity so they don’t become life-threatening.