Keeping Your Pet Hydrated…Tips to Protect Them

Keeping Your Pet Hydrated…Tips to Protect Them

Have you ever gone outside and felt the hot pavement burn your feet? Imagine how it would feel on a paw.

When summer comes, it isn’t just people who need to worry about staying hydrated. Pets can get dehydrated too, and there are a few simple things pet owners can do to protect their furry friends from harm.

There are several ways to keep pets hydrated and help them cope with high temperatures.

1. Know how much your pet drinks in a day

Know the general amount of water your pet usually needs, so you’ll know if they’re getting enough or not having enough. Before going on a long hike or daily walk, take some time to learn her normal intake, so you don’t have to carry extra weight all day long.

2. Use a pet water bottle when you’re on the go.

If you’re taking your pet with you on a trip, it’s a good idea to bring along a pet water bottle. This will allow them to drink easily while you’re on the go. Just make sure to refill the bottle often, and never let your pet drink from puddles or other stagnant sources of water. That way, if your pet gets thirsty, they’ll be able to drink without any problems.

3. Avoid hot areas

When it’s hot outside, avoid taking your pet to places that are too hot for them to handle. This means avoiding asphalt as much as possible; the heat from the pavement can cause serious burns on their paws. If you have to walk your pet in a hot area, try to do it during the early morning or evening when it’s a bit cooler.

4. Give them ice cubes

If your pet feels hot, give them some ice cubes to cool down. Not only will this help them feel better, but it’ll also help keep them hydrated. Ensure the ice cubes are pet safe and don’t have any dangerous ingredients like salt or sugar.

5. Keep them hydrated while traveling

If you’re traveling with your pet, make sure to keep them hydrated along the way. This might mean bringing extra water with you in your car or plane or finding places along the way where they can get a quick drink. It’s also a good idea to take breaks every few hours so they can stretch their legs and have a little bit of water

6. Make sure your pet always has access to freshwater

This is probably the most important thing you can do to keep your pet hydrated. Place a water bowl where your pet can easily reach it, and refill it often. If your pet is outside, make sure they have a shady spot to rest in and plenty of cold water to drink.

7. Add some flavor to their water.

If your pet is reluctant to drink plain water, try adding a little flavor. You can buy flavored water additives at most pet stores or simply add a small amount of juice or broth to their bowl.

8. Keep an eye on their drinking habits.

If your pet seems to be drinking more or less water than usual, it may be a sign that something is wrong. Consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns.

9. Provide plenty of healthy fluids in addition to water.

Water is essential for keeping pets hydrated, but they also need other fluids to stay healthy. Make sure your pet has access to fresh fruits and vegetables high in water content. And don’t forget about their favorite beverages – like chicken broth or diluted fruit juice – which can help keep them hydrated too.

10. Avoid letting your pet drink from the toilet or pool.

While it’s tempting for pets to drink from the toilet or pool, these sources of water can be dangerous. Toilet water may contain harmful chemicals, and pool water can be high in chlorine and other chemicals that can be harmful to pets.

11. Keep an eye on the weather.

Extremely hot or cold weather can be dangerous for pets and lead to dehydration. Make your pet has plenty of freshwater to drink when the weather is hot, and provide a warm place for them to sleep when it’s cold.

– Why is Hydration Important?

Proper hydration helps maintain good skin and coat quality, healthy kidney function, proper muscle tone, clear eyes, moist mouth tissue, and efficient nutrient absorption.

Dogs are often stubborn when it comes to getting them to drink their daily requirement, but there are ways to convince them. Here are a few tips:

    • Switch to a larger bowl so your pet can “dip” their mouth into the water easier. Also, try using a wide, shallow dish instead of a tall narrow one.
    • You can also try placing several bowls in different locations around the house, that way, they have more options available.
    • Using ice will entice them as well because dogs love chewing on it.
    • Try adding flavor enhancers like tuna juice, chicken broth, or low sodium beef broth; you can even add some crushed-up dog food and mix it with warm water since they’re likely craving some of their kibbles anyway. Just make sure not to add salt as this can be harmful to their health.

– When Is The Best Time To Walk My Dog?

The best time of day to walk your dog is early morning or evening when it’s coolest outside. During the midday hours, sidewalks and streets can reach temperatures high enough to cause burns or blisters on your pet’s paws.

If you must walk your dog during the day, avoid asphalt and concrete surfaces instead of walking on grass or dirt. Always carry a bottle of water with you to help keep them hydrated.

– Tips For Keeping Pets Safe In The Car:

Never leave your pet unattended or unsupervised inside a parked car under any circumstances. Even if the windows are open slightly, the temperature within the vehicle can rise very quickly and lead to suffocation, heatstroke, or death.

Here are some tips for keeping pets safe when traveling with them:

    • Never allow children to play with leashes when walking dogs.
    • Keep pets and passengers hydrated by having plenty of water available
    • If traveling with a pet carrier, make sure it’s adequately ventilated
    • Provide a “safety seat” for your pet in the car using a crate or special harness

– Additional Tips For Summertime Pet Safety:

In addition to following the tips listed above, here are some other things you can do to keep your pets safe during the hot summer months:

    • Avoid overexerting your pet during outdoor activities; take breaks and offer plenty of water.
    • Make sure all vaccinations are up to date, as animals are more susceptible to infectious diseases during the hot summer months.
    • If your pet has long or thick hair, make sure they are brushed regularly and trimmed if necessary; long coats can cause pets to overheat easily.
    • Avoid giving pets medications that contain aspirin as this may lead to gastrointestinal ulcers.
    • Ensure your pet is never left unattended outside for extended periods.
    • Make sure veterinary appointments are scheduled year-round, not just during winter. Sick pets need medical attention without exception.